Monday, October 6, 2014


A contractor applies the final coating to an oil pipeline in Saudi Arabia. Photo from

 Paint application seems to be one of those most difficult areas of modeling to master. It is never an exact science, and the number of variables involved and how they affect one another, along with finish quality, can puzzle even an experienced painter. And while a lot of great tips, advice, and techniques show up here on the Board, troubleshooting paint problems, sight unseen, is still pretty difficult.

The lists of the defects are numerous but few of them will be discussed here at the moment.
I am particular concerned with those that are more likely to be encountered in the little booth.

The defects to be considered here include:
Bleeding; Blistering; Chalking; Checking; Cracking; Featheredge splitting; Fish eye; Lifting; Mottling; Orange peel; Peeling; Pin holing; Runs and Sags; Solvent popping; etc.

To be continued…

Sent in by Richard Soroketa-Chukwuemeka Nwokocha, BSc. Industrial Chemistry, QC Inspector in Coating and Insulation.

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